Specialist landscape and commercial photographer with over 33 years experience.
At Scotphoto we specialise in authentic looking, unique stock photography of Scotland and beyond. We have a massive collection of ready to use stock imagery of Scotlands landscape and beyond, all ready to suit your creative needs.
With over 30 years experience in Commercial & Landscape Photography, we specialise in Property, Architecture, Hospitality, Food, Portraiture, Industrial and Product photography.

Company History
Scotphoto Photography is a renowned Professional Photography business specialising in Property, Architecture, Hospitality, Food, Portraiture, Industrial and Product photography.
Founded in 1970 by Dennis Hardley the business is now run by his son Tony. With over twenty five years’ experience working with his father Tony has earned a considerable reputation in his own right. Building on his father’s hard work and reputation he is taking the business forward into new realms of expertise. These include high end photography commissions for both large land and property agencies and high-street estate agents. Tony also enjoys studio portraiture, hotel accommodation and specialized product photography.